Energy Storage

The optimised energy solution

A New energy storage and distribution system, which can operate independently, guaranteeing zero noise and zero emissions, it can also be integrated into power generation systems using diesel or gas generators and to connect to the grid or photovoltaic modules. The main goal of the EHR is to guarantee a higher energy efficiency and optimising emissions and noise.

Saving costs

Minimise your operating expenses

Operators and rental companies that add the EHR Battery Power Generator to their fleet will enjoy a considerable reduction of their Operating Costs (OPEX) amd a very positive impact on their Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Ease of Use

And Smart Management System Efficiency

HIMOINSA has decided to design this smart monitoring and management system in such a way as to guarantee that its product is 100% user-friendly. It is in fact a bespoke development whose primary objective is simplicity of use, with the emphasis being placed on two main principles during the development process:

  • User experience: Easy system configuration and handling. Smart guidance throughout the start-up process with a wizard, making it easy to operate the unit.
  • Always connected: Get all the performance info you need through C4CLOUD which comes pre-installed on the unit. Monitor, read and analyse all the performance and load profile information locally or remotely (4G) to optimise your 'On-site' power solution.

Zero Emissions

and Zero Noise

The EHR can operate as a main power source, reducing emissions and noise to zero, or it can be combined with a diesel or gas generator set to enable intelligent load management. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are reduced drastically in these combined working scenarios.

What are the advantages of hybridisation (EHR + Generator set)?

  • Increase the genset lifetime by 3 times
  • Reduce maintenance checks by up to 50%
  • Reduce fuel consumption by up to 40%
  • Improve the genset load profile
  • Avoid oversizing the genset to start electrical motors

Ensure the Best Performance

of Your Stage V Generator

Running a generator set with a Stage V engine in combination with an EHR allows both units to perform at their best. Companies renting generator sets with Stage V engines face a series of uncertainties when they do so; uncertainties that completely disappear when the two units work in combination with one another; this puts an end to the need to resize generator sets and to the problems inherent in working with a low load profile.

The EHR Battery Power Generator Range


Model V kVa Batteries Control Panel Dimensions Weight (Kgs)
Type Qtys Lifetime Cycles
EHR 10/20 230 10 Lithium 6 6000 CEM8 1650x1100x1500 511
EHR 15/30 400 15 Lithium 8 6000 CEM8 1650x1100x1500 554
EHR 30/60 400 30 Lithium 16 6000 CEM8 1650x1100x1800 940
EHR 45/60 400 45 Lithium 16 6000 CEM8 1650x1100x1800 1000

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